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Our mother had always dreamed of traveling the country in her retirement. Struggling with health issues, she found freedom and independence living on the road in her converted van. However, her untimely passing serves as an important reminder of both the advantages and risks of the van life lifestyle.
In this blog post, I intend to share my mother’s story – from her reasons for choosing van life, to the tragic circumstances surrounding her death. More than just a recounting of facts, my hope is that her experience highlights some harsh realities that full-time van dwellers, especially those living alone or with vulnerabilities, should be aware of. While the independence of this path can be empowering, it also leaves one open to certain dangers if proper safety precautions are not taken.
By telling her story, I aim to honor my mother’s memory and help even one other person avoid a similar fate. So it is with a mixture of sadness, reflection and caution that I now turn to the events that forever changed our family.

Why She Decided on Van Life

Our mother wanted to travel the country all of her adult life. As she had rheumatoid arthritis and sometimes faced mental health challenges, maintaining a traditional home became difficult. The inheritance from her father provided resources for an alternative: living freely on the open road in her van.

How She Lived in the Van

Our Mother spent several years living in her van, which she hitched a small trailer to for extra space. She explored many areas, parking in campgrounds and open spaces. Due to her health issues, she relied on a walker at times. However, the van granted independence.
Sadly, her pride in her lineage proved a double-edged sword. Our mother freely shared her family history, attracting some who preyed on this. While most interactions were positive, not all had good intentions.

How She Was Found

On Mother’s Day 2024, on of our family members called informing us that Felicia had been found deceased in her van in Hampton Roads, Virginia. Her body had gone undiscovered for about a month in the hot, enclosed space. The smell and conditions were unimaginable when my brother arrived to have the body removed.

Cleaning Out the Van

Cleaning the van was an unenviable task, but provided clues to aid the investigation. My brother and searched for signs of foul play or what may have caused her passing. It was clear she had been unwell in her final days. The conditions were more than any family should encounter.

The Strange Phone Call

After wrapping up paperwork, we received a bizarre call. A woman claimed power of attorney over our mother and her belongings. How could this be, if she hadn’t known of Felicia’s passing for over a month? We suspected a scam to exploit our mother in her most vulnerable state.

Lessons on Safety and Vulnerability in Van Life

Our mother’s story shows the reality that van life can enable vulnerability if one is not careful. While most interactions may be positive, living in public view can attract scammers who see opportunities. It’s not just overt threats but those who slowly infiltrate one’s life.
Our mother freely shared her lineage, understandably proud of her roots. But this opened her up to those who used flattery to gain her trust, and her resources. Living alone, any health issues could be exploited.
Van dwellers must be wary of overly enthusiastic “friends” wanting access. Be private with personal details online. Have regular check-ins with trusted contacts. There is no shame in community for protection. While independence is freeing, isolation enables harm.

Remembering Her and Honoring Her Legacy

While we still seek full clarity, our mother’s memory deserves honor. Her zest for life and pride in her family were beautiful. In telling her story, my aim is to help even one person avoid a similar fate.
Van life can enable both freedom and vulnerability. We must find balance – embracing community without sacrificing privacy. If you choose this path, take care in who you let close. And should you face hardship, don’t be ashamed to ask for help.
Our mother loved exploring this great country. In her memory, commit to spreading more light than you find. Help one another with compassion. And should you encounter scammers, don’t let shame silence you – together, our voices can protect others.
Daisi Pollard Sepulveda
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