Any earnings or income discussed on or my social platforms represent my actual revenues during the stated period only. Figures may be adjusted slightly to account for returns or processing times.
There is no guarantee employing similar strategies will yield comparable results for you or your business, as outcomes depend entirely on individual effort, skills and market variables. Case studies and strategies shown are based on my experiences alone.
This site does not promote “get rich quick” opportunities. Building a successful online presence or business takes significant long-term work and trial-and-error. Your earnings will be unique to your brand, skills and dedication.
While I aim to be fully transparent, common sense dictates that discussed income scenarios from an established business may differ from new ventures. I do not promise or guarantee any level of income for readers.
Details of revenue streams discussed can be verified by request. But your success depends on many factors outside of any guidance, and so I cannot warrant financial outcomes.
I simply wish to openly share my journey and what has worked for me to hopefully inspire and educate others. Please use your own judgment when applying principles to your goals and situation.