As the founder of Daisi Jo, LLC, transparency is important to me. You should be aware that some of the products and services recommended on and my social platforms are affiliate partnerships, where I earn a commission for any purchases made.
My goal is to only promote tools, courses and brands that can truly help my community. I have personally vetted options like Canva, Spotify and ClassPass and feel they provide real value. I’m also an affiliate for apps like Sephora, Poshmark, LTK and ShopMy which align with my mission.
Given the large volume of content I create, I cannot list every affiliate relationship. Please assume any sponsored or linked recommendations result in compensation. However, I only promote companies whose products and missions I genuinely support.
In addition, Daisi Jo, LLC is an Amazon Associate, earning commissions from qualifying Amazon purchases.
You will never see me promote something just for money. I turn down many offers that don’t fit my values of empowerment and authenticity. Please contact me directly if you have any other questions about my business model or affiliations. Transparency is important to building trust with my community.